Farrington Omnia GP
Exclusive to NSC, The Farrington Omnia is our best selling general purpose saddle and is a true all rounder.
This saddle has been created for you in partnership with our friends at Farringtons for New Zealand horses and riders.
Adjustable front knee blocks allow you the freedom to have leg support just where you want it. Back blocks are fixed as standard but can also be made adjustable for you on request.
An open cantle with a semi deep seat gives you plenty of room, and you will find this saddle suitable for jumping full wire/ around 1m comfortably.
A popular model for everyday riding, hunting, 'a bit of everything'.
This saddle has well and truly earned the name 'Omnia' meaning 'all things' as it both allows you to try 'all things' on your horse, and is as close to a saddle that fits 'all things' as you will find.
16.5", 17″, 17.5″, 18″, 18.5"
Black or chocolate
Leather: Smooth as standard or upgrade to Buffalo
Long or short girthing options
Wooden laminated spring tree
Wool flocked panels

Added to the NSC range in 2020, this wonderfully versatile general-purpose saddle can take you from trekking, to schooling, to low to mid-level jumping.
With moveable front knee blocks that allow you to customise leg support for your chosen discipline, and a more forward cut flap shape to give you additional leg room over jumps.
Traditional dual flaps and semi deep seat give you support in the saddle, paired with a soft latex seat for your added comfort.
The Kiwi is the ultimate GP for our versatile NZ riders.
17", 17.5", 18", 18.5"
English Mellow as standard or upgrade Buffalo
Long or short girthing
Wooden laminated spring tree
Wool flocked panels
MAKE IT YOUR OWN – Individual customisations available for piping keepers and cantles. POA

Lovatt & Ricketts Solstice Endurance
Often described as the lazyboy of saddles!
This saddle is made to have hours spent in it.
A very comfortable choice of saddle for pleasure riding, trekking, CTR, or endurance.
For added comfort it has extra padding on the knee rolls for softness and support and as standard, has extra D-rings on the front and back, plus a crupper ring.
17″, 17.5″, 18″, 18.5", 19"
Black or chocolate
Leather: Smooth Bullhide with Calf, or Buffalo with Calf
Short, long or adjustable girthing to order (POA)
Wooden laminated spring tree
Wool flocked panels
Contact your local NSC fitter/stockist to arrange a trial
A lightweight saddle, designed for smaller withers and wider, flatter backs. It has a wide channel, and generous panel for optimal equine comfort. A longer dressage style flap allows the riders legs to be protected from sweat.
You have the choice of long, short or adjustable girthing to cater for all girth grooves and back shapes, and quilting stitches to keep the flocking in place.