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Secondhand GP/Jump Farrington Omnia 17" 3XW Dark Brown



A rare opportunity to purchase, do you have a really wide horse, Gypsy etc 

Available now rider is upgrading 

The NSC Farrington Omnia is our best selling general purpose saddle and is a true all rounder.

This saddle has been created specifically for New Zealand horses and riders.

Adjustable front knee blocks allow you the freedom to have leg support just where you want it. Back blocks are fixed as standard but can also be made adjustable for you on request.

An open cantle with a semi deep seat gives you plenty of room, and you will find this saddle suitable for jumping full wire/ around 1m comfortably.

A popular model for everyday riding, hunting, ‘a bit of everything’.

This saddle has well and truly earned the name ‘Omnia’ meaning ‘all things’ as it both allows you to try ‘all things’ on your horse, and is as close to a saddle that fits ‘all things’ as you will find.

Available to try at a fitting or on 7 day trial with full payment 
Lisa Dunbar 021 942 574

SKU: 10000-56 TAGS: omnia, farrington

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